Sunday, July 8, 2012


 Talk about a good time. About a week into my trip overseas in Buenos Aires, Argentina the crew and myself decided to take a trip to a place where there would be a combination of cultural richness and a place where we could have fun. So we went to La BOMBA de TIEMPO. No this is not a typo, that is actually how their name is spelled! Nowhere have I ever felt so connected to a place as I did on this day at this event. The drummers all seemed as though they were one with the music and with how the people felt. As the drums slowed down the pace at which the people were dancing slowed down and when the drummers picked the pace back up the people were going wild! I would consider this event to be a sort of cultural entity in which the Argentine people come and support drummers and the music. Besides drums there was also a mixture of different instruments that were used to get the Argentine people going. There were maracas and tamborines which added to the richness of sound in the music. There was also what is known in the United States as a "Maestro" who led the music and directed the sound with hand movement and even jumped in and added his own music at times. Below are a couple more pictures that were taken at La BOMBA de TIEMPO...

Just as the drums are a big part of other cultures musics, they are huge in Argentina. I felt alive at this event. The people moved with the beat of the drums and I followed. The ambiance in the place was amazing and I enjoyed listening to every second of the beautiful sounds that came from every instrument during the show. 


  1. I love that you're having a great time in Argentina, Pedro! Being there and listening to them play music must have been amazing - Keep posting more pictures of your trip.

  2. Hi Pedro, It is great reading about the cultural sights and sounds you have been experiencing while in Argentina! How has it been working with the children there? I can't wait to read more!
    Take care of yourself - Chris

  3. I can picture you dancing! :) So glad you are really using the time there to explore and "understand" the culture and history of Argentina. Like Chris, can't wait to hear how the mentoring is going...take care! Beth
